These are my newest speakers. I have made a couple of other sets that I haven't posted here. I finally got tired of the huge towers that I had before and, at the same time had a bit of time to put these together. The box layout is designed by Masaaki Takenaka. I would post a link to his design but his website seems to be down-or at least the part of it that has this design on it. Anyway, these use Fostex fe166 full range drivers. I have had these drivers for quite awhile now and have been constantly impressed with how well they perform for their cost and size. The cabinets that I made are solid 4/4 maple with solid 4/4 walnut and maple front baffles. I sanded them down to 600 grit and finished them with 3 coats of wipe on ploy gloss. The finish work out very well and really makes the bits of figure in the maple pop.
I'm still getting used to the sound as these speakers are much more analytical than what I had before. I do like the detail that they give and the bass is quite impressive for coming from 6 inch drivers.
I'm interested in building same thing. Would you please offer drawing diagrams for the cabinet?
I don't actually have the drawings for these speakers. The design was from Maasaki Takenaka. Here is a link to his website but it seems like this particular design is down right now.
Good luck!
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